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Oath and/or declaration of Thomas W. Neal, in support of Libero Sauro, December 1940 - solo in inglese
Oath and/or declaration of Thomas W. Neal, in support of Libero Sauro, December 1940.
Rev. Libero Sauro was arrested on September 7, 1940 and held at Don Jail before being transferred to Petawawa Internment Camp.
Under the DOCR (Defence of Canada Regulations), after 30 days, internees could formally object to their detention to an advisory committee appointed by the Minister of Justice. The Minister of Justice then appointed a judge to review the internee’s case. This meant an examination of the RCMP’s evidence against the internee, meetings with the internee, and interviews with witnesses who could attest to the internee’s character. After this, the judge either recommended an internee’s release or continued internment to the Minister of Justice.
This written declaration appears to be made in support of Sauro's release, by a non-Italian familiar with his character and work.
This document forms part of a collection of documents and other materials donated by the Sauro family.
dicembre 1940
Recto: [t-b, l-r]: [typed] IN THE MATTER of The War Measures Act, R.S.C. / chapter 206, and / IN THE MATTER of the application of Libero / Sauro, of the City of Toronto, in the County of / York, Minister. / [line] / I, THOMAS W. NEAL, of the City of Toronto, in the / County of York, Minster of The United Church, make oath and say / as follows:- /1. I am a Minister of The United Church of Canada and / have been engaged in mission work in the City of Toronto for many / years. In the course of my duties I have become well acquainted / with the said Rev. Libero Sauro and have had ample opportunity to / observe the work done by him. / 2. I regard him as a good man exercising a good / influence among the Italian people in Toronto. / 3. In my association with him I have not heard or / observed anything which would lead me to believe that he was not loyal to Canada and to British institutions. On the contrary / I believe that in his long residence in Canada he has become / imbued with the ideals of the Canadian people. / SWORN before me at the City / of Toronto, in the County of / York, this [blank space] day of December, / 1940. / A Commissioner &c.,
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