Prisoners at internment camp
According to records from the Glenbow Museum this group portrait of internees was taken at Camp Kananaskis in Alberta. However, upon further research it appears that the photograph may have been taken at Camp Fredericton in New Brunswick. Comparisons have been made with photographs from Camp Fredericton donated by the Giacomelli family (Lot: DICEA2011.0001). The bottom right corner of both benches show identical damage to the wood. Italian Canadian internee Antonio Rebaudengo, who is sitting in the front row, second from the left, was originally interned at camp Kananaskis but was eventually transferred to Camp Petawawa and then Camp Fredericton. The men in the front row are resting their feet on large brooms. Also visible in the right foreground is a small pedestal holding a sign that reads, "A 8." It is unknown how photographs of the internees emerged from the camps, as cameras were not permitted, however, this sign may indicate that the government was taking official portraits of the internees while they were interned.