Copy of Memorandum, re. Sacco family, September 26, 1940, Ottawa, ON - solo in inglese

This typewritten copy of a memorandum regarding the Sacco family identifies the sender as Counsel, likley referring to G.W. McPherson, the counsel for the Custodian of Enemy Property. Dated to September 26, 1940, the memo addresses the report on the Sacco family received from the CEP agents in this case -- Price, Waterhouse & Co.

The Custodian of Enemy Property (CEP), a branch of the Canadian government, oversaw the administration of assets belonging to internees and other enemy aliens. This government office served a dual function. Acting as a trustee for the internee/enemy alien, the office and its agents also protected the interests of the creditors. The CEP would pay off an internee’s debts by selling his or her property or businesses. It also collected money owed to internees by others.

The CEP agents reported that the Sacco family, from the Niagara area, was involved in criminal activities. One of the boys (unidentified) had been recently released from an American prison after a murder conviction. Some of the Italian-Canadian internees seem to have been interned for their criminal activities rather than any political or subversive activities.