Photograph of shaft house scene at mines, Timmins, ON, March 1920 - solo in inglese

Black and white photograph of scene in shaft house during change of shift, Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines, Timmins, ON, March 1920. The settlement of Timmins began with the discovery of gold in 1909. The resulting gold rush led to roughly 30 mining operations within a year of the discovery. Two of the largest mining companies included Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines and West Dome Mine. Work in the mines was so difficult and dangerous that English Canadians, or native-born Canadians, were often unwilling to engage in this type of labour. As a result, mine owners sought immigrants to fill these positions. Italians were among these immigrants, and included Leopoldo (Leo) Mascioli, who eventually did contract work for Hollinger Mines. Having arrived as a young immigrant from Italy, he also saw the establishment of an Italian community in Timmins, and became one of its leading members. On June 10, 1940 he was arrested and interned as a threat to the Canadian state.