Article by Michael Mirolla in Montreal's The Gazette - solo in inglese

Article, "Enemy Aliens," published in The Gazette. The article by Michael Mirolla is a review of the book The City Without Women by Mario Duliani.

Duliani's book is a memoir of his internment experiences – the only published account by an Italian Canadian internee. The French La ville sans femmes was published in 1945, and the Italian Città senza donne appeared in 1946. In 1994 an English version was published – The City Without Women: A Chronicle of Internment Life in Canada During the Second World War is a translation by Antonino Mazza.

The photograph that accompanies the article shows the police round-up of Italian Canadians at the Casa d'Italia in Montreal on June 10. 1940. This is a tinted version of the original photograph taken and published by The Gazette in 1940. See LDICEA2011.0008.0004 for the original black and white photograph.