Charcoal sketch of a steamship, 2012 - en anglais seulement

This is a charcoal sketch of a steamship created by Jemma Kim in 2012. It is part of a series of sketches created for use in the Italian Canadian as Enemy Aliens: Memories of WWII permanent exhibit.

The ship is shown coming into port (shown lower left). There are big clouds in the far background. There are no visible passengers on deck.

The creation of the steamship allowed for large numbers of immigrants to cross the Atlantic in faster, sturdier, and larger vessels. Italian immigration to Canada is divided into three phases: 1867-1913 (pre-war); 1945-1961 (post-war); and 1961-present (sponsorship period). During the first two periods, Italian immigrants arrived on steamships landing either at Ellis Isand, New York or at Halifax, Nova Scotia.