Antoinette (Toni) Ciccarelli outside a house - en anglais seulement

This is a black and white snapshot of Antoinette (Toni) Ciccarelli standing outside a house. This picture was taken on the same day as pictures, DICEA2010.0001.0012 and DICEA2010.0001.0016, as Toni is wearing the same outfit. She has on a pin-striped suit jacket with a matching skirt, a white button shirt, a pair of leather gloves, a small hat, and a knee-length coat. Toni is holding a large dark coloured handbag and is smiling into the camera. The house in the background appears to be part of a townhouse complex. The porch has white railings and there is a chain link fence that runs along the bottom of it. The steep tilted roof has narrow tall windows that jut out.