Casa d'Italia social event in Montreal

This is a black and white snapshot of a social event at Casa d'Italia in Montreal.  Individuals pictured at the table from the top and clockwise are: Helen Arcieri, Jean Papalea, Anthony (Tony) Chiocchiarello, Angelo Mancuso, Julian Pane, Luigi Di Battista, John Arcieri, Antonio (Tony) Paratto, Louis De Angeles, and Joe Cardi.  The men are all wearing suits with a tie and shirt, and the women are wearing short sleeve dresses. They are all sitting at a round dinner table; some are smiling straight at the camera, while Helen and Luigi look off to the left smiling at something happening off camera. The table is covered with a white table cloth and there is an array of wine bottles, glasses, cutlery, and other associated items.  The background shows other groups of people also sitting at tables.

Luigi Di Battista was one of the Italian Canadian men interned at Camp Petawawa during WWII.