Antoinette (Toni) Ciccarelli and husband Patrick

This is a black and white snapshot of Antoinette (Toni) Ciccarelli and her husband, Patrick taken in May of 1950. It is a close-up photo showing the couple from the waists-up.  They are holding hands and Toni's arm is around her husband's neck. They are facing the camera with big smiles on their faces.  Toni is wearing a dark striped jacket, dark coloured gloves, and a black hat.  She is also wearing dark coloured lipstick, a brooche, and earrings. Patrick is wearing a suit and light coloured tie. There are a few people in the background with their backs turned to the camera.  A building, possibly a church, trees, and electricity poles are also in the background, suggesting that the couple is standing on a city street.